December Sunset (3)

Goldfinch on Sunflower (3)

Watertower at Sunset (2 of 3)

Crocus (3)

Sunset Silhouette (3)

Signs of Hope

Moon in the Branches

Turn to the Light

Illumination (2)

Sunset Through the Branches

December Sunset (1)

Face the Sun

An Iris of a Different Flavor

One of Two

Sunset Silhouette

Springtime on the Palouse (2)

Just after Sunset

What the Bee Sees

Shine (2)

Alien Life Form???

December Sunset (2)

Sunset over wheat fields near Palouse, Eastern Washington State

Where The Sunshines

2013-05-29 17.51.28

2013-05-29 17.52.16

2013-05-29 17.47.51

2013-05-29 17.41.39

Imperial Sunset

2013-05-29 17.42.49

UI Janssen Engineering Building 360

snowy palouse barn

2013-05-29 17.40.33

2013-05-29 17.47.30

Amber Waves of Grain

Palouse Barn

Apr20,2017 DSC04873 UI Arboretum and Golf Course

Sunset over wheat fields near Palouse, Eastern Washington State

Winter Road

The Palouse

Shadow, The Palouse, Washington

Palouse hill