goodbye winter

Do these musicians take pleasure in the music?

lost winter

After the thunderstorm


Herr Guzzetta ist OK

mist in the morning

tree trunk | Nikon D90

Village Lights

The same procedure as every year...

Very sunny view from the Schlossberg, Staufen

DB 101 016

View through the Castle Window (+1 inside)

Hilltop Castle

A thunderstorm approachs from the Rhine Valley.

Hochblauen Blick ins Rheintal / Mountain Hochblauen View in the Rhine-Valey

Gasthaus Krone (Crown Inn)

Staufen im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

The storm increases, it gets cold and darkly.

RegionalBahn binnenkomst Neuenburg am Rhein

View from the Schlossberg, Staufen (visible)

Bad Krozingen - sunrise

Hänger bei Ehrenkirchen

Feld bei Auggen

Landschaft Kalte Herberge

Morgenstimmung bei Ehrenkirchen

A ray of sunshine - just for a moment

Autour de chez moi


Autour de chez moi

Autour de chez moi

Automne sur les vignes à Feldberg-Badenweiller - Autumn over the vineyards at Feldberg-Badenweiller

Automne sur les vignes à Lipburg-Sehringen - Autumn over the vineyards at Lipburg-Sehringen

Blick ins Münstertal im Schwarzwald

Belchenblick #3

Brume automnale

Fade to Black

The wine harvest is finished

Campagne hivernale