If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin. (Quote by Charles Darwin)

I must be allowed to be as I am. (Quote by Agnetha Faltskog)


Village Lights

Clearing snow storm, Sallneck

A la petite Camargue

DB 101 016

A thunderstorm approachs from the Rhine Valley.

Hochblauen Blick ins Rheintal / Mountain Hochblauen View in the Rhine-Valey

The storm increases, it gets cold and darkly.

RegionalBahn binnenkomst Neuenburg am Rhein

Calopteryx éclatant - Banded Demoiselle - Calopteryx splendens

Fox tracks across frozen wetlands

A la petite Camargue

Discovering a never before seen secret inner world!

Hochblauen Panorama

View from my room

After the thunderstorm


Nie Zu Spät (Never too late)

tree trunk | Nikon D90

Baum Allee Kembs-Loéchlé Elsaas Frankreich

Frühling im Südschwarzwald

Landschaft bei Weitenau/Hofen

St. Veitskapelle Efringen-Kirchen - Istein

Feld bei Auggen

Landschaft Kalte Herberge

Yachthafen - Weil am Rhein

Lörrach - Grütt

Autour de chez moi


Autour de chez moi

Autour de chez moi

Automne sur les vignes à Feldberg-Badenweiller - Autumn over the vineyards at Feldberg-Badenweiller

Automne sur les vignes à Lipburg-Sehringen - Autumn over the vineyards at Lipburg-Sehringen

Lonely Poppy

Belchenblick #3

Brume automnale

Sommerimpressionen nahe Malteserschloss Heitersheim

Fade to Black

The wine harvest is finished