If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin. (Quote by Charles Darwin)

Village Lights

Clearing snow storm, Sallneck

DB 101 016

Vitra Fire Station

Vitra Fire Station

Vitra Fire Station

Vitra Fire Station

Vitra Fire Station

Vitra Conference Pavilion

Vitra Fire Station

Hochblauen Panorama

Vitra Conference Pavilion

Vitra Fire Station

Vitra Fire Station

I must be allowed to be as I am. (Quote by Agnetha Faltskog)



No Fear - Moblog

c.31/12/1974 - Haltingen, Weil am Rhein, Germany.

A la petite Camargue

Autour de chez moi

Lonely Poppy

Belchenblick #3

Belchenblick #2

Baum Allee Kembs-Loéchlé Elsaas Frankreich

Frühling im Südschwarzwald

Landschaft bei Weitenau/Hofen

St. Veitskapelle Efringen-Kirchen - Istein

Feld bei Auggen

Landschaft Kalte Herberge

Yachthafen - Weil am Rhein

Lörrach - Grütt

Autour de chez moi

Autour de chez moi

Automne sur les vignes à Feldberg-Badenweiller - Autumn over the vineyards at Feldberg-Badenweiller

Automne sur les vignes à Lipburg-Sehringen - Autumn over the vineyards at Lipburg-Sehringen

Brume automnale

Sommerimpressionen nahe Malteserschloss Heitersheim

Fade to Black

The wine harvest is finished