Eldon Cemetery Squall

Eldon Shelf Cloud

Along a Country Road

scenery 1116, along the Moreau River, Miller county

Rock Island no. 9090

November rain....

Eldon, Missouri

End of the Road

Rock Island motor car

2018 Trailblazer Tour | Photo by Keith Laughlin/RTC

#elements RG'd via: @paomarcelli "The Eternal City still has it...stunning!"

Post Office 65032 (Eugene, Missouri)

Post Office 65064 (Olean, Missouri)

Storefront Building (Olean, Missouri)

Olean Railroad Depot (Olean, Missouri)

Olean Railroad Depot (Olean, Missouri)

Olean, Missouri

Collen in the kitchen

Collen and Shaggy

Shaggy close-up

Shaggy resting in the kitchen

Shaggy the optimist

Shaggy tummy rub

Collen, Shaggy, and Scott