Eldon Shelf Cloud

Eldon Cemetery Squall

Eldon Clouds


#elements RG'd via: @paomarcelli "The Eternal City still has it...stunning!"




Cool looking frog was hanging on the doorstep this morning.


Ready for the Parade

This is the sickness, always there and now not afraid to show itself due to the piece of shit that sits in the POTUS' office currently. What was always there, now isn't afraid to show its face because those involved KNOW there will be no repercussions. Wh

Barb Dummermuth - Chick Pick

These were taken with permission at Osage River Pow wow 2015 ofc with permission more images and data to come. This though was a highly enlightenin2gntime for the photographer and I am greatful for being allowed tonattend

Bypassed but not forgotten



CRIP Depot in Eldon Missouri

Morgan Fulks - Trio of Horses

Jessica Zahner - Love of Reading

Jessica Zahner - Pappy and Me

Downtown Olean, Missouri

Storefront Building (Olean, Missouri)