Beauty Will Come

Just amazing aerial views...

Nine Miles from No-Where

Lopez View From my Car 23

At the top of Black Mountain, San Luis Obispo County, CA - 8/2/2009

Bath With A View, 2008.09.12

Tyrannus verticalis

Santa Margarita Lake, California

At the top of Black Mountain, San Luis Obispo County, CA - 8/2/2009

2012-04-09 Rinconada Tr hike-25_edited-1

2013-03-16 Trout Creek hike-29_edited-1

2012-04-09 Rinconada Tr hike-13_edited-1

2012-04-09 RInconada Tr hike-33_edited-1

Shawn At The Summit

2012-04-09 Rinconada Tr hike-23_edited-1

2015-05-25 Big Falls hike-30_edited-1


Steve's Pier

Weekend In Pismo Beach

Dune Tree

Cries in the Canyon

Grey Pine Trail


Grey Pine Trail, Santa Margarita Lake Park


2014-09-07 Balm of Gilead hike-26_edited-1

If I HAVE to exercise, I s'pose this is a good place for it... #cycling

Unchanged Forever

Santa Cruz?

Low pez



Tin Can

Lake Sunset


Santa Margarita Lake 2