Prickly Succulent Petals

Beautiful view from the Yellow Rose Inn.

Cowboy and Moon

Cowboy and Barn

Nine Miles from No-Where

Milky Way

Milky Way

Bath With A View, 2008.09.12

View from controls

At the top of Black Mountain, San Luis Obispo County, CA - 8/2/2009


2011-09-28 Jim Green Tr hike-05_edited-1

Perseid Meteor Shower 2015

The Milky Way and Moonlight


Grey Pine Trail, Santa Margarita Lake Park

Milky Way

Moonrise over Santa Margarita Lake

Moon and trees on mountain ridge

Grey Pine Trail

California Wildflowers

Shell Creek Road 4778


blue oak at Heilmann Regional Park

Shell Creek

Train Ride on the Coast Starlight

Grey Pine Trail

If I HAVE to exercise, I s'pose this is a good place for it... #cycling

side road

Wildflower glade

Along the way