sun behind the clouds

The view from Colditz Castle - fake tilt shift

Muldental bei Penig

Germany - Saxony - Kohren-Sahlis - front

Colditz Castle

Dog View

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

A view across the Prisoner's Courtyard from the Chapel

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

View from Taurastein-Tower

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

View from Colditz Castle


View from Colditz Castle

View from the right tower of Rochlitz Castle

View from Colditz Castle

Colditz town view from the castle


Colditz 2015 – View of Colditz Castle

View from ms Window #cloud #penig #sun #spring

#nature #lochmühle #outside #instagram #spring #may #pferdeschoenheiten #pferdeliebe #landscape #pictureoftheday #picoftheday #instaspring

Spülsteine in der Chemnitz

koeniglich saechsischer Meilenstein_1859; Saxon royal milestone_1859; Muehlau, Germany

Independence Day

Ehemaliger Hp Sermuth | Muldentalbahn | 15.03.15

Spülsteine in der Chemnitz

Spülsteine in der Chemnitz

Spülsteine in der Chemnitz

Da unten...


2013-10-27 15.18.44.jpg

2013-05-12 14.10.26.jpg

2013-08-04 11.22.41.jpg

Harvested fields

some bales

last day of april

An der Wyhra bei Gnandstein

2013-10-13 15.35.23.jpg


2012-05-10 17.23.55.jpg