river view

Castle Colditz

update your city

View from Colditz Castle

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Bewahre den Moment der Ruhe !...Preserve the moment of peace !

The view from Colditz Castle - fake tilt shift

View from Colditz Castle

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

A view across the Prisoner's Courtyard from the Chapel

View from Colditz Castle

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany


Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

frozen river

Harvested fields

HHPI 29005, DGS Chemnitz-Küchwald - Profen, Narsdorf

Oktoberfeuer am alten Bahndamm...October fire

Morning has broken...



Gattersburg und Hängebrücke in Grimma

Kirchturm Zschirla

The beautiful landscape in the valley of the river Mulde near the town Grimma. . Shortly before the rain was coming. . Have a good day! . . . .

Bismarckturm im Jutta Park Grimma

Mulde in Bahren

Kloster Buch

Statue im Jutta Park Grimma

fields in Sachsen


Burg Mildenstein

Burg Mildenstein

Mulde in Bahren

frost, fog and some trees