thunderclouds coming

river view

Colditz 2015 – View of Colditz Castle

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

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Views around Colditz Castle

Views around Colditz Castle

Views around Colditz Castle

Views around Colditz Castle

Little Houses

Castle Colditz

Bewahre den Moment der Ruhe !...Preserve the moment of peace !

View from Colditz Castle

Colditz Castle

The view from Colditz Castle - fake tilt shift

A view across the Prisoner's Courtyard from the Chapel

update your city

Give way to wind energy!

Colditz town view from the castle

Colditz Castle viewed from the town of Colditz (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

Oktoberfeuer am alten Bahndamm...October fire

frozen river

Trees over the top

HHPI 29005, DGS Chemnitz-Küchwald - Profen, Narsdorf

Fähre Höfgen

Mulde in Bahren

some bales

Platycnemis pennipes

Lens Flare Orgy

Morning has broken...

Phacelia im Juni

That could be a nice day..

Fields around Grimma

The field where the famous glider landed - Colditz Castle (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

Fields around Grimma

The field where the famous glider landed - Colditz Castle (Schloss Colditz), Colditz, Saxony, Germany

Independence Day

52 8079 und 351097 auf dem Steinaer Viadukt

Kirchturm Zschirla