Middle Creek Bridge, Rainbow Lake Trail - Signal Mountain, Tennessee

Signal Mountain, Tennessee

Unnamed waterfall two seen along the old Dixie Highway

Unnamed waterfall one seen along the old Dixie Highway

Coolidge Park Snowstorm

Autumn Colors (edit)

Week 42: Orange

View from Signal Mtn Point Park

Cloud Ship???



The Rock


Lake view


Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Falling Water Presbyterian Church

Sedum ternatum (Stonecrop) Crassulaceae

Conopholis americana (American Cancer-root) Orobanchaceae

The View from Signal Mountain

Snow 2014

Roadside Waterfall #2-b

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

The Woods of Chattanooga

The Woods of Chattanooga

Middle Creek Bridge

Creek Near Signal Mountain, Tennessee

Signal Mountain

Autumn's Arch

Caution: Boulder

Great Blue Heron

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

NS 123, Chattanooga, TN

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Tennessee River Segment Cumberalnd Trail State Park - Edward's Point

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail