Sawfly Larva

Black Saddlebags with Skydrops

Poodle Moth

Summer Sky

Pipevine Swallowtail

Red Spotted Purple

Six Spotted Tiger Beetle

Thin-Film Interference

Look It's a Dinosaur - NO - It's a Wheel Bug

Wheel Bug Strikes!

Blinded Sphinx Moth

Clavate Antenna

Black Saddlebags

Cute For An Ambush Bug

Tiger Swallowtail

Pearl Crescent

Bird Dropping Moth

Juniper Hairstreak on Blueberry

Flower Moth

Tiger Swallowtail

Tiger Swallowtail

Mister C. Pennant

Red Spotted Purple

Pondhawk on Smartweed

Black Butterfly

Golden Winged Skimmer

Foggy morning over Richmond County, looking towards Hamlet. #fog #sunrise #cloudscape

In the Allium


Black Tiger Swallowtail

Gulf Fritillary

shhhh...He's fishing...

Black Tiger Swallowtail

Happy Valentine

Spicebush Swallowtail

Red Spotted Purple

Common Buckeye

Variegated Fritillary

Tiger Swallowtail

Tiger Swallowtail

Wing Hugs

Monarch on Milkweed