Scale Car, Hamlet CSX Hump Yard, Hamlet, North Carolina

A Few more Views from the Tower (3 of 3)

Shuttlewagon SWX435C, Hamlet CSX Hump Yard, Hamlet, North Carolina

Overall View of Hamlet Hump Yard, Hamlet, North Carolina (2 of 2)

A Few more Views from the Tower (1 of 3)

A Few more Views from the Tower (2 of 3)

Overall View of the Yard with Water Tower in the Background, Hamlet Yard, Hamlet, NC (1 of 2)

Very Detailed Shovelhead at the 2010 Smoke Out

CSX Engine almost Directly Under the Tower, Hamlet Hump Yard, Hamlet, NC

CSX Locomotive #2418 & SLUG #1058, Hamlet Yard, Hamlet, North Carolina

Solvay Chemical, AAR Reporting Marks ASHX 1219, Covered Hopper

CSX SLUG Locomotive, CSXT Hamlet Yard, Halmet, North Carolina

Spicebush Swallowtail

Carolina Tiger Beetle

Vending Machine Repair, Richmond Technical College, 1982

Thermite Welded Mismatched Rail

Embers @ Plaza Jam - Rockingham N.C.

Amtrak Parking Lot Signs.

Amtrak Depot.

Hamlet Depot.

Outside View Of The Tornado Building.


Moon/Landscape Images

Moon/Landscape Images

My view tonight.

American Painted Lady on Blazing Star

American Painted Lady

Variegated Fritillary

White-Lined Sphynx

Tiger Swallowtail

Model Railroad Display.

Seaboard Engine 3015 Miniature.

Trees In The Park.

Viola brittoniana (Northern coastal violet)

Walkway And Bridge.

Walkway In Hamlet, NC.

Sphenopholis filiformis (Longleaf wedgescale)

White Lined Sphynx

Merry Christmas

Dova LIVE Burn 12/2/17

Hinson Lake - Richmond County N.C.

Black Tiger