Spicebush Swallowtail

Very Detailed Shovelhead at the 2010 Smoke Out

Carolina Tiger Beetle

Vending Machine Repair, Richmond Technical College, 1982

Gulf Fritillary


Black Tiger Swallowtail

Black Tiger

My view tonight.

Rainy day view from Burger King


Tiger Beetle



Embers @ Plaza Jam - Rockingham N.C.



Way over there !

From the Valley

Jaggered Rocks

Exploding effects

The Valley

Vulcan Rock Wall

Foggy morning over Richmond County, looking towards Hamlet. #fog #sunrise #cloudscape

Gulf Fritillary

shhhh...He's fishing...

American Painted Lady on Blazing Star

American Painted Lady

Scafold is up and will be my weekend home. Weee Haaaaaw! Lol

White Lined Sphynx

Tiger Swallowtail

Variegated Fritillary

White-Lined Sphynx

A line to park on Wednesday? Dragstock at Rock is gonna be crazy

Beautiful sunset this evening.