Sunday noon time 5-7-2017. BEAUTIFUL view of the water now In the Little River. Love it. #kvs #crohns #manassa #colorado #littleriverranch #spring #monicasowards #clouds #ilovecolorrado #bestviewincolorado #coloradopicts #thingsiloveincolorad

Mother's Day. Sunday. Beautiful area. Fields wet, ditches with flowing water, ponds. The cattle enjoying eating & drinking. Highway 142 out of Manassa, Co Sowards. Cool view. Kim:) #kvs #crohns #manassa #colorado #littleriverranch #spring #

Monday late afternoon. 5-8-2017 So beautiful view as the Little River flowing by, trees turning green, sky so blue. Earlier so big dark clouds, strong wind & rain. Now so peaceful time. Yes here on the Little River Ranch. Kim:) #kvs #crohns #m

Saturday 4-29-2017 Enjoy the view before it's gone. 3#kvs#crohns #manassa #colorado #littleriverranch #spring #monicasowards #clouds #ilovecolorrado #bestviewincolorado #coloradopicts #thingsiloveincolorado #lovelife #crohnswarrior #mycolorado #il

4-1-2017 Saturday morning after snow storm last night. Just so beautiful view. Makes my spirit sing. Kim:) #kvs #manassa #colorado #crohns #monicasowards #ranch #littleriverranch #clouds #crohnsdisease #crohnie #bestviewincolorado #colorad

5-2-2017 A view from the front windows in my home. Yes cloudy , but not cold.

Treasure Bag - Open

Ear Cozies Hat - View 1

Donegal Chunky Tweed Sweater/Vest - Back View

This one of many different shape and size bowels my Honey ( Monica ) made for me and Mom here. She did two YouTube video,s so for on how to do these, one video has ( 720,032 ) people views..he he We both are so amazed and surprise to. You can see them a

Saturday afternoon 5-13-2017 Little River Ranch area. Love how the fields are wet, ditches full of water. Sky Blue and growing. Great view. My home. Kim:)

Saddle Bronc Riding at the Manassa Pioneer Day Rodeo

Just love the view. Spring. #kvs #crohns #manassa #colorado #littleriverranch #spring #monicasowards #clouds #crohnsdisease #sky #lovelife #coolpicts #coloradospring #coloradopicts #thingsiloveincolorado #lovelivingincolorado #coloradoview#bestviewin

The Ranch area from the sky. Amazing view. #manassa #coloradophotos #crohnslife #coloradosky #sanluisvalleycolorado #monicaalcalasowards #travel #photography #photo #allaboutadventuretime

10-17-2016 ;Beautiful view of the Little River Ranch area, and seeing the Mt. BLANCA in the San Luis Valley. #manassa #littleriverranch #coloradophotos #crohnslife #lifeworthliving #coloradosky #allaboutadventures #sanluisvalleycolorado #mtblanca

View from front window. A day in March. 2017

Love this view. Life on the Little River Ranch. Spring..

11-16-2016 love the view. #manassa #coloradophotos #crohnslife #coloradosky #sanluisvalleycolorado #mtblanca #coloradoffallphotos #coloradophotos #jj_colorado #clouds #viewcolorado #littleriverranch #dailyphoto #viewcolors #crohnslife #lovinglife #man

11-7-2016 Monday afternoon Beautiful View from the Ranch You looking at Flat Top Mountain out of Manassa, Co. #manassa #coloradophotos #crohnslife #coloradosky #sanluisvalleycolorado #mtblanca #coloradoffallphotos #colorado #lovelivingincolorado #i

Donegal Chunky Tweed Sweater/Vest - Side View

Old bridges stored in field

3/31/2017 Friday evening. Last day of March. Yes March going out like a Lion. It did come in as a lamb. Amazing dark clouds. Yes rain or snow later tonight & Sat. Kim:) #kvs#manassa #colorado #crohns #monicasowards #ranch #littleriverranch #

3/31/2017 Fri evening. Storm coming to the Little River Ranch out of Manassas, Co. Kim:) #kvs #manassa #colorado #crohns #monicasowards #ranch #littleriverranch #clouds #crohnsdisease #sky #lovelife #coolpicts #crohnie #flattop #crohnie #cr

Sunday 3/26/2017 clouds floating by. Love the area. Kim:) #kvs#crohns#manassa#colorado#monicasowards #ranch

7-20-2015. Mountain. Trip

Aug 13, 2015

June 11th, 2015. Kim:)

June 11th, 2015. Kim:)

4/3/2017 Late afternoon, Monday. Dark clouds flying by, storm so be here. But love this area & spring. Kim:) #kvs #crohns #manassa #colorado #littleriverranch #spring #monicasowards #clouds #crohnsdisease #sky #lovelife #coolpicts #crohnie #mmou

June 11th, 2015. Kim :)

7-20-2015. Mountain. Trip

Sat 6th,2015. Storm coming...rain...????????

7-20-2015. Mountain. Trip


Mt. Blanca from La Jara, CO

Yes very beautiful May Sunday 25, 2014. 11: 45 am. ---here at the Little River Ranch area. out of Manassas, Co. Kim:)


7-20-2015. Mountain. Trip

7-20-2015. Mountain. Trip

7-20-2015. Mountain. Trip

June 11th, 2015. Kim:)
