Light and Dark . . .

Below the dam . . . (Explore! 2/16/15)

This old barn . . .

One of my favorite fall roads . . .

Yellow Lady Slipper at Skegemog Bog

Small Perseid meteor and The Milky Way . . .

The ISS pays Michigan a visit . . .

Winter mirage . . .

Wild Cat

230kV Keystone-Clearwater Line

First taste of snow. . .

Morning View. . .

Crystal Springs Rd Panorama

Six . . .

Alden . . .

Quite the view!

The VR Sandbar View

Swamp trail view

Here's the way to cap 36 holes: A growler of Cold Chisel and this view. @shantycreek @workshopbrewing #puremichigan #staythirsty

The Rapid River . . .

Hmmmmm . . .

Dying ferns and golden droplets . . .

Ripples . . .

Mini waterfall . . .

Trout live here . . .

Torch Lake Rainbow Fall 2012

The Niagara of Kalkaska . . .

The frozen field . . .

Old Post Office and General Store . . .

_DSC6792 Torch Lake Boat Launch


Sunset on the Knoll, Torch Lake

Pretending like im in the carribean =)

Torch River Lagoon HR

Sitting' On The Dock Of The Bay . . .

The spillway . . .

90% of the Iceberg is under water . . .

Almost frozen Rapid River!

Marsh Marigolds still there . . .