Three Belles

Azalea View


RAD20120622.02 Dud

Leucauge venusta, Orchard orbweaver, Troutville, Virginia

The Appalachian Trail

Big Rock Face

The Quarry Overlook

Polistes exclamans, Brown paper wasp, Troutville, Virginia

Henry the truck

Big Rock Face

2014.06.13 180K Views

Verrucosa arenata, Arrowhead spider, Troutville, Virginia

2014.11.29 215K Views

Tenodera angustipennis (tentative), Narrow-winged mantis, Troutville, Virginia

Spilosoma virginica (tentative), Virginia tiger moth, Troutville, Virginia

Mecynogea lemniscata (egg sac), Basilica orbweaver, Troutville, Virginia

azalea view

Dipsacus fullonum, Fuller's teasel, Troutville, Virginia

Leiobunum politum (tentative), Harvestman, Troutville, Virginia

Microcentrum rhombifolium, Greater anglewing katydid, Troutville, Virginia

Yellow Flowers

Valley Fog

Good Friday

James River Coal

I was on my way to another waterfall when I stopped here to take a picture. When I came up to the fence I was surprised to see all of these cows coming towards me! I mooed at them and one of them actually mooed back at me!! ????#virginia #cows

Tinker Mountain

Across the street, Troutville, VA

Apallachian Trail Overlook

Parkway Sunrise

Unwelcomed Visitor

Behind the Scenes on the Cherry Blossom Trail

Parkway Roadside

looking @ purgatory mountain

Spring Dogwood

Blue Ridge Parkway



Had to go find my family after stopping at a gas station. Cows.

Nice Day For A Drive

Sunrise 5-26-13(2)