McAfees Knob

McAfee Knob


McAfee Knob

Yoder-Walker House, New Castle 1

Yoder-Walker House, New Castle 2

Route 11

Route 11

Yoder-Walker House, New Castle 3

Tenodera angustipennis (tentative), Narrow-winged mantis, Troutville, Virginia

Yoder-Walker House, New Castle 4

Sitticus fasciger (wild guess), Jumping spider, Troutville, Virginia

Tenodera angustipennis (tentative), Narrow-winged mantis, Troutville, Virginia


OM-2SP Cairn

The Meteor and The Milky Way (Explored)

Rocks and Water

New Castle Scene

Leucauge venusta, Orchard orbweaver, Troutville, Virginia

Chrysochus auratus, Dogbane beetle, Roanoke, Virginia

Polistes exclamans, Brown paper wasp, Troutville, Virginia

Yellow Flowers

Looking at Roanoke

Lunar-Lit Landscape

Happy Solstice!

Apallachian Trail Overlook

Unwelcomed Visitor

McAfee Knob

McAfees Knob Full Moon Rising Reflection

Behind the Scenes on the Cherry Blossom Trail

SM M LG Mount Sunset -Roanoke VA Photography Terry Aldhizer

looks just like the sun

McAfees Knob Full Moon-242.jpg


Golden Hour II


Tinker Mountain

2013-06-25 09.00.45

Eagle Rock.