McAfees Knob

McAfee Knob

Rocks and Water

New Castle Scene


McAfee Knob

Dreaming of Winter (To Go Away)

Yoder-Walker House, New Castle 1

Yoder-Walker House, New Castle 2

Route 11

Route 11

Leucauge venusta, Orchard orbweaver, Troutville, Virginia

Polistes exclamans, Brown paper wasp, Troutville, Virginia

Verrucosa arenata, Arrowhead spider, Troutville, Virginia

Tenodera angustipennis (tentative), Narrow-winged mantis, Troutville, Virginia

Dipsacus fullonum, Fuller's teasel, Troutville, Virginia

Argiope aurantia, Golden orb weaver, Troutville, Virginia

OM-2SP Cairn

Liriope muscari, Big blue lilyturf, Troutville, Virginia

The Meteor and The Milky Way (Explored)

Atalopedes campestris, Sachem, Roanoke, Virginia

Yellow Flowers

Looking at Roanoke

Lunar-Lit Landscape

Happy Solstice!

back to the home you made on the mountainside

Apallachian Trail Overlook

McAfee Knob

McAfees Knob Full Moon Rising Reflection

Unwelcomed Visitor

SM M LG Mount Sunset -Roanoke VA Photography Terry Aldhizer

Fenwick Mines Waterfall

Behind the Scenes on the Cherry Blossom Trail

looks just like the sun

Parkway Roadside

McAfees Knob Full Moon-242.jpg

Golden Hour II


Tinker Mountain