The last stoplight on I-90

Stevens Peak

The Center of the Universe

Sunshine Mine - Jumbo Boom

Views along I-90 in Idaho

La View

Front View of Wallace Brewing Company

Montana 2003 Honeymoon 002

Roadside pull out

Side View of the Silver Corner Cafe, Wallace, ID


El View

Wallace, ID

Wallace again from up top this time


1951 Hudson in the Sun



Ignorance is bliss

Wallace, ID

Greetings from Papa's Hometown

Trail Rail 50 Miler

Elsie Lake, Idaho, USA

Dante's Peak Filming Locations - Wallace, Idaho

Approaching Stevens Peak on USFS Trail #16

Rich Landers on top of Stevens Peak, Idaho

Stevens Peak, Idaho

Paper Birch and Forest, Shoshone County, ID

Hillside with Elk between Moon Pass and St. Joe Divide on USFS Trail #16

Lone Lake from Stevens Peak

Elsie Lake

Looking down towards Mullan, Idaho from Lone Lake Trail

USFS Trail #16 looking towards Stevens Peak

Upper St. Regis Lake, Montana


Rich Landers and Scout approaching Stevens Peak, Idaho

#sky looking ugly #idah o

Stevens Lakes from Stevens Peak, Idaho

Okay, okay. I'm done posting pictures for a bit. Off to the Palouse!

Trail to St. Regis Lakes, Montana

Lower St. Regis Lake, Montana

Lone Lake from Stevens Peak