The Starlight Motel

Winter's Comin'

Memorial Marker

Foggy Valley near Wallace, Idaho

Stevens Peak

Ignorance is bliss

Looking into Montana

The last stoplight on I-90

The Center of the Universe


1951 Hudson in the Sun

Side View of the Silver Corner Cafe, Wallace, ID



2020-08-10 15;26;25

Montana 2003 Honeymoon 002

Wallace, ID

Wallace again from up top this time


Wallace, ID

Greetings from Papa's Hometown

Columbian Ground Squirrel

Dante's Peak Filming Locations - Wallace, Idaho

Dante's Peak Filming Locations - The Motel - Wallace, Idaho

Dante's Peak Filming Locations - The Overlook - Osburn, Idaho

Dante's Peak Filming Locations - Wallace, Idaho

Lookin' to the North

Elsie Lake

Mullan, Idaho

Paper Birch and Forest, Shoshone County, ID

Exploring Canyon Creek

Elsie Lake, Idaho, USA




J~ Montana/Idaho border

A family rides the Route of the Hiawatha

Blossom Lakes, Montana

Bitterroot Mountains of Idaho