Rain occluded view

Superb view from East Ridge

Deadline Falls a different view

Colliding Rivers 001

Colliding Rivers 009

View towards hidden Sutherlin

View down to the North Umpqua River

View down Blacktail Basin

Colliding Rivers 010

View to the north boundary ridge

View to Middle Ridge, across Blacktail Basin

North Umpqua River 141

Susan Creek Falls

Pacific Banana Slug (Ariolimax columbianus) in the Oregon woods

North Umpqua River in Oregon

Sporangia of a Leathery Grape Fern (Botrychium multifidum, Opioglossaceae) in the Oregon woods

River view, through the trees

Tinder fungus, side view

Partial view to the North Umpqua

Jaw-dropping view from the East Boundary Ridge

View down Blacktail Basin


USA // Oregon // Douglas County // Smiths Ford // Susan Creek Falls

North Umpqua River

Water Rapids

Deadline Falls - North Umpqua River

Trickles crossing the trail kept the camera busy

Real hikers would use the log instead of the bridge I'm on

North Umpqua River 129

Lichen covered branches

The North Umpqua River was always nearby

Some of that rain runoff crossing the trail


susan creek falls

Looking back the way I came

Smoke Induced Sunset Color

Coliding Rivers Park

Deadline Falls - North Umpqua River

North Umpqua River

Typical scene along the trail

Deadline Falls