The end of the hike lies just around the bend

The clouds give me the figurative finger

Fantastic view from North Ridge

Roseburg High School, Roseburg, OR

Roseburg High School, Roseburg, OR

Roseburg High School, Roseburg, OR

Trail, as it leads into Soggy Bottom

Stormy clouds swirl in the sky

View from the creek valleys to the high ridges

I finally slipped and took a spill here

A hole in the sky gives us a blue spot of hope

Roseburg High School, Roseburg, OR

Roseburg High School, Roseburg, OR

Scott Mountain was a prominent feature on the skyline

The sun tries and fails to break through

A cattail, ready to send its seeds out with the next wind

Panoramana of the rained-on North Umpqua valley

Rain occluded view

A red currant bush pinks up the trail

Tioga Bridge side view

Fantastic view of Whistlers Bend on the North Umpqua

Tree art

The views were a constant on this hike

View down to the eastern trailhead

Rain cometh

View to the high ridge we would eventually attain

View back to Middle Ridge

A great view of the river valley from the trail

The North Umpqua River flows in the valley below

"Ecoforestry" Buck Rising eimber sale

Foreboding, to say the least

South Umpqua River

Oregon Summer on the Ranch

Farm off Roberts Creek Road, near Myrtle Creek, Oregon