Day 245/365 - Casey's Restaurant

Another view of the roses in a trailer.

My first 4x5 a RHS camera

Neighborhood Views 001

Krone Lane home

2010-09-22-cover image-2

View from the Loo

Sunroof View

Battle-Ready Cattle


Eclectic 007

Roseburg Visitor’s Center 008

Krohn Lane Home

Brown Bear

Roseburg City Hall Pentagon

Front yard

Krohn Lane Home

Krone Lane home

Krohn Lane home

Up, Close & Personal

Convicted: Chapter 3

Wilbur, Oregon.

Giraffe at Wildlife Safari

Rain occluded view

Corn maze, with fog.

Oregon White Oak

Wilbur, Oregon.

Even doggies like flare ☀

King Lion

Old fence around gone drive-in theater screen near Roseburg

Abacela I

driving through Roseburg, OR

Abacela II

easter 2009 101

Abacela III

Reflecting pool

In any other world.

Just a rhino, in the road.

Oregon - Wildlife Safari

The fog in the river valley