My first 4x5 a RHS camera

Neighborhood Views 001

Read & Write store - DSC04350

Day 245/365 - Casey's Restaurant

Another view of the roses in a trailer.

Krone Lane home

2010-09-22-cover image-2

View from the Loo

Sunroof View


Krohn Lane Home

Eclectic 007

Roseburg Visitor’s Center 008

Krohn Lane Home

Roseburg City Hall Pentagon

Krone Lane home

Krohn Lane home

Front yard

Up, Close & Personal

Booo to you. And to your wife.

East African Crowned Crane

Farm off Roberts Creek Road, near Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Wilbur, Oregon.

Giraffe at Wildlife Safari

Oak Savannah


River Forks

Corn maze, with fog.

Oregon White Oak

Wilbur, Oregon.

Even doggies like flare ☀

King Lion

Dysert Creek falls

driving through Roseburg, OR

Abacela III

Abacela I

easter 2009 101

Abacela II

In any other world.

Oregon - Wildlife Safari

Just a rhino, in the road.