Downhill Desert Road

Lockdown, Day 48, in Agua Dulce, Ca.

pleasure cruise. mojave desert, ca. 2016.

Aqueduct Curves

From inside a rainbow...

Orange Laser

crash truck #5. palmdale, ca. 2011.

B-52 bomber. palmdale, ca. 2012.

closed airport. palmdale, ca. 2011.

crash truck #5. palmdale, ca. 2011.

3D F-14

B-52 bomber. palmdale, ca. 2012.

Asylum: Top View

Celebrate America: Vertical Takeoff

The BeX Sign

Roshambo Inside

California Aqueduct

BeX Inside

View of Lake Palmdale

A View of the Aqueduct

The Eastern Front of the Sand Fire

Aqueduct through the Hills

Valley of Joshua Trees

farmhouse pinhole. mojave desert, ca. 2019.

California Aqueduct

the medium is the message. lancaster, ca. 2012.

you can never go home again. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

fixer-upper. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

dustbowl (color infrared). mojave desert, ca. 2016.

high desert farmhouse (color infrared). mojave desert, ca. 2017.

moonlight cruise. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

fresh apple pie. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

abandoned farmhouse. mojave desert, ca. 2016.

Joshua Tree Sunset

things fall apart. mojave desert, ca. 2015.

Path to Joshua Trees

home sweet home. mojave desert, ca. 2015.

gone with the wind. mojave desert, ca. 2015.

West Antelope Valley