Downhill Desert Road

Aqueduct Curves

Lockdown, Day 48, in Agua Dulce, Ca.

View of Lake Palmdale

A View of the Aqueduct

Orange Laser

Vasquez Rocks on a Blood Moon Night

Fuego - Aqua Dulce

The Eastern Front of the Sand Fire

West Antelope Valley

Hacienda Reyes

AAA used auto parts. lancaster, ca. 2011.

closed airport. palmdale, ca. 2011.

smith brothers' hobby center. lancaster, ca. 2011.

Vasquez Rocks

Merry Christmas from the High Desert

Vasquez Rocks

crash truck #5. palmdale, ca. 2011.

13 acres commercial. palmdale, ca. 2011.

Vasquez Rocks

Vasquez Rocks

Vasquez Rocks

Top of the Antelope Valley

Aqueduct through the Hills

Valley of Joshua Trees

Vasquez Rocks Panorama Edit 2 - Aqua Dulce, CA

agua dulce rocks

2017-02-26 Vasquez Rocks in Aqua Dulce, CA

California Aqueduct

2017-02-26 Vasquez Rocks in Aqua Dulce, CA

Vasquez Rocks Park in Aqua Dulce, CA

Miles the Boggle - Vasquez Rocks

the medium is the message. lancaster, ca. 2012.

2018-02-19 Vasquez Rocks in Aqua Dulce, CA

Cloud Watcher

Joshua Tree Sunset

Sunday morning walk in Vasquez Rocks

Glory Rock

2018-02-19 Vasquez Rocks in Aqua Dulce, CA

Ascending Through Time