The Old Oxford Mill

P4118195 copy

The Woods by the Old Mill

Limestone Barn

Mulvane Co-op

“Udall FFA”

2015 10 11 Sunday

The fanciest McDonalds I've ever seen. #McDonalds #fancy #architcture




BNSF 6635 East

BNSF 8599 West

Wait. What? Did I miss the sequel? #sowrong

BNSF intermodal approaches Mulvane KS

Chisholm Trail in Sumner County Marker (Sumner County, Kansas)

Chisholm Trail in Sumner County Marker (Sumner County, Kansas)

Wheat Capital of the World Marker (Sumner County, Kansas)

Little To Show

The Laxsos - Udall, Kansas

Going to Wichita

Mulvane Firehouse 1

is in a room full of booze and this is my favorite so far! @UncleBobsWhiskey