Is this the world we created...?

The best seat in the house

Explosions of Light

Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

mY first HDR

Common Starling / European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (adult) (sp. # 201)

View from Maguire Peaks

'out of nowhere'

The view from above.

do you dare venture beyond?

Air and water, charging on!

Ever Seen the Movie Duel?

Great Blue Heron

Golden Hills

Hiked up Mission Peak! Great view of the East Bay!

Least Sandpiper

View of our back door. Nice! #superwayaquarium #hayward #fishstore #stararts #mural #seaturtle #regal #underthesea

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) (sp. # 196)

Ducks in flight

DreamLand, Coyote Hills

The Bad Beginning - Waiting with Sheep

Door of opportunities :)

A foggy night in California

Mustard field

Yesterday afternoon stroll.

A Candle Burns Brightest

Sunol Spring Hillside No.01

No Name Trail

Allen's Hummingbird

Easy way down

Disappearing Act

Marsh Waterway

Tree in Yellow Field

Trail to the Yellow Flowers

Cotoye Hills Regional Park 11.jpg

Calaveras Road

Garin 20150227

Green Pastors

Calaveras Hills

iPhone 5se test

Marsh Wren