Is this the world we created...?

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

What a cute kid :)

the gatekeeper

mY first HDR

wheels on fire

Great Blue Heron

Common Starling / European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (adult) (sp. # 201)

Air and water, charging on!

park and ride

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) (sp. # 196)

Least Sandpiper

White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) (sp. # 186)

power divides us

Explosions of Light

Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

Hillcrest 20170718

Black-necked Stilt

Alviso Blue Hour

The view from above.

View from Maguire Peaks

Sunol Regional Wilderness - Cave Rocks/Little Yosemite Loop • 6/10/17

rain and sun alternating

Door of opportunities :)

Sunol Regional Wilderness - Cave Rocks/Little Yosemite Loop • 6/10/17

Coyote Hills Regional Preserve

Garin 20150227

Mustard field

Calaveras Road

Don Edwards Preserve, Newark California

Sunol Spring Hillside No.01

a tree or two

Green Pastors

A foggy night in California

iPhone 5se test

Sunnyvale sewage treatment ponds

Calaveras Hills

Lizard Rock in Afternoon Light._

No Name Trail

Coyoto Hils Marsh No3
