Former Bublitz Marathon

A Time for Every Purpose

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Michigan Nature Association Frinks Pond Plant Preserve

morning view

Debbie enjoying the view

Korina's Scenic View

A Great View

Jason Krebill, Service employee, collects sea lamprey larvae on the Au Sable River, near Oscoda MI, in late October.

2012 Oscoda Trip September 22, 2012 6

2012 Oscoda Trip September 22, 2012 7

on the dock

And This Is January?

Awesome Oscoda Beach 2013 Oscoda Family Trip



AuSable Foote Dam Overlook 4/23/14

Sunrise over Lake Huron - 8/1/13

red sky at morning...

Swirl Clouds

Clear Sky in the Morning

salmon colored sky

Lake Huron

Lake Huron Shoreline

Grass and Water

Puffy Clouds

Bleached Wood Post

Phragmities Removal - 24