M/V Sam Laud at Port Gypsum

Penman's Cottages - Tawas City, Michigan

Tawas Point Lighthouse Just After Noon

Fall Maple in full color

East Tawas reflected

Tawas Point Lighthouse

Hole in the East Tawas Dock

East Tawas State Harbor Pier

Family Theatre Downtown East Tawas

Tawas Bay Sunset

Water Toys

Newman Street to Tawas Bay

The Long View

Tawas Point Lighthouse

Ossie's Lakeview Restaurant - East Tawas, Michigan

Not pictured: the giant Walmart right on the water just to the left

Cabin inside view #2

Sun Rising Over Tawas Bay

Tawas Bay view from Gateway Park

Tawas Bay view from Gateway Park

"Winter's palette" Tawas Point State Park - East Tawas, Michigan

in the vastness

Rainy Days at the Lake

Rainy Days at the Lake

Rainy Days at the Lake

More of the Lake Baby


216:366 - Lake Huron Sunrise

More of the Lake Baby

Long afternoon shadows…

Oh Tawas Michigan

Sunset over Saginaw Bay, East Tawas, Michigan

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

East Tawas Marina Docks

Tawas Bay

East Tawas, Michigan, Saginaw Bay

Buffleheads at Tuttle Marsh 4/24/14

Clouds coming in at Tawas Point

Huron Shores