Harrisville, MI HDR

Harrisville, MI HDR

Storm approaching Harrisville, MI

Lake Huron

Near Harrisville, MI

Glennie from a treestand

View from Living Quartes of Lighthouse

Mom and Me at the Top of the Lighthouse

Harrisville, MI

Tawas Harbor

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Low Water Levels

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse

Wintertime, Sturgeon Point Lighthouse - Harrisville, MI

Marcia's Beach

Blue Horizon

Sunrise over Lake Huron - 8/1/13

"Winter Moon" Sturgeon Point , Lake Huron

Harrisville HDR

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Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan) - October 11, 2014

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan) - October 11, 2014

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan) - October 11, 2014

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan) - October 11, 2014

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan)

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan)

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan) - October 11, 2014

Sturgeon Point Lighthouse (Harrisville, Michigan) - October 11, 2014