Sun kissed poppies

Nature's Hieroglyphics

Blueberry Cobbler Anyone??? (nom nom nom...)

Federal Sign & Signal 2T22 - Shelby, NC

Henrietta Mills No. 1, Henrietta, Rutherford Co., N.C.

So many daisies, so little time...

Goldenrod Crab Spider, aka 'Crouching Spider, Hid in Hibiscus'

Any idea of its name?

Cowpens 10-23-2014 - What The British Saw

Cabin at Cowpens

Poppy field


Sunset in North Carolina. 6-17-13

The Last Picture Show

Another day, another G•Webb sunset.

Carolina "Thunderbumper"

Revolutionary War Reenactment Camp at Cowpens on the National Parks Centennial... #dramatic #clouds #sky #reenactment #tent #cowpens #revolution #revolutionary #revolutionarywar #camp #turningpoint #shotoniphone6

Pouring Rain

Spangler Stadium

old camp

State Route 11, Chesnee Highway, Near Gaffney, South Carolina

Cowpens Battlefield 1

Site of the Battle, Cowpens National Battlefield, South Carolina

125 Dragoons at Cowpens Img354_17

142 British Army Area Img254_30

133 Grassy Meadow Img254_23

141 British Army Area Img254_29

154 Misunderstood Img_2353

Cowpens 10-23-2014 - Landscape 2