Dragon Palm

View West

View West

Checking out the awesome views from the top of Bald Mt.

Checking out the awesome views from the top of Bald Mt.

July 14, 2010 Make a photo from a low point of view. Go for a dramatic effect by changing the appearance of the size of your subject. "Chrysler Building".

View from Spruce Mountain


View West

Hiking Ragged Mountain

Boardroom Table (installation view)

View from Mirror Lake

Hiking Ragged Mountain

IPhone August 25, 2011 Make a photograph with a different point of view than you normally would consider.

Thomaston Town Forest, South Warren, Maine, iphone, 9.24.12

View from Mirror Lake

Color My World

Hiking Ragged Mountain

View from Spruce Mountain

Hiking Ragged Mountain

View from Spruce Mountain

ran into this adorable bunch while location scouting tonight

On shore across from Big DIpper Island

IPhone August 3, 2011 The horizon can be a strong composition element. Make a photograph that emphasizes the horizon today.

Hiking up Bald Mt.

Washington Pond Brook

IPhone July 1, 2011 Make a photograph today that features the sky.

Alford Lake

Grave of Louis Wagner the "The Smuttynose Axe Murderer" who was hanged in 1875

Hiking up Bald Mt.

Beautiful Seven Tree Pond. With Maine's abundant, large, ponds, rivers, and lakes, it's always struck me as funny, what gets named a "pond". I know that, were such a pond in Ohio, for instance, it would be called "Grand Lake Seven Tree State Park". #maine

Hiking up Bald Mt.

Hi there

August Day Duck Puddle Pond

Red Swamp Maples

Double rainbow!