A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep. We view lions as beasts most of the time. However they are majestic, leaders, caregivers, protectors and family oriented. Yes I would rather live as a lion for one day, rather than a sheep for

When you look at it from this point of view, it makes you think. Do you want to fight or fuel disease? #suckitupfitness #clothingline #suckitup #fitness #fitspo #fitfam #weightloss #bodybuilding #athlete #crossfit #aesthetic #exercise #FlexFriday #TGIF #g



Nachitoch Bluff Bridge

Post Office 71922 (Antoine, Arkansas)

Post Office 71940 (Delight, Arkansas)

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Pike County AR

Delight Arkansas, Post Office, 71940, Pike County AR

Antoine Arkansas, Pike County AR

Antoine Arkansas, Pike County AR

Antoine Arkansas, Post Office, 71922, Pike County AR

Antoine Arkansas, Pike County AR

Antoine Arkansas, Pike County AR

On my walk I came across this ancient artifact. It could be worth millions #roadtoadphoto #worthlessartifact #cd

#Repost @bikini_figure_competitor ・・・ Shout out to suckitupfitnessapparel.com not just about gym wear but they stand true to their brand. 15% Disc code: Mishell We all face things in our lives but what matters is how we handle the situation. Stay stron

There is good news, you aren't born a loser. You are also not born a winner. You are born with free will, you are born to be a chooser. Free to choose your life, free to choose to be a winner. #suckitupfitness #quote #transformationtuesday

Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer. Attention is fleeting. Respect is legenfaty. Too often we strive for the wow factor, or the like. Why not strive for something of importance, something that will last, something that will make an impact.