A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep. We view lions as beasts most of the time. However they are majestic, leaders, caregivers, protectors and family oriented. Yes I would rather live as a lion for one day, rather than a sheep for

Prairie View

When you look at it from this point of view, it makes you think. Do you want to fight or fuel disease? #suckitupfitness #clothingline #suckitup #fitness #fitspo #fitfam #weightloss #bodybuilding #athlete #crossfit #aesthetic #exercise #FlexFriday #TGIF #g

Onosmodium bejariense

Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus

Prunella vulgaris subsp. lanceolata

Arnoglossum plantagineum

Dalea purpurea var. purpurea

Geum canadense

Ruellia strepens

Ruellia humilis

Heliotropium tenellum

Cuscuta pentagona

Liatris species