When you look at it from this point of view, it makes you think. Do you want to fight or fuel disease? #suckitupfitness #clothingline #suckitup #fitness #fitspo #fitfam #weightloss #bodybuilding #athlete #crossfit #aesthetic #exercise #FlexFriday #TGIF #g

A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep. We view lions as beasts most of the time. However they are majestic, leaders, caregivers, protectors and family oriented. Yes I would rather live as a lion for one day, rather than a sheep for

Happy First Day of Fall y'all! #vscocam

I feel like because we ingest so much information, so fast, every day that hardly anything is truly meaningful anymore.

35. Ties that bind

Last Bridge Standing

Evening Bridge


Nachitoch Bluff Bridge

Prescott Arkansas, Train Station, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Train Station, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Post Office, 71857, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, County Courthouse, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR

Prescott Arkansas, Nevada County AR