Fern Overgrowth

This is my heart which is free and alive

dalmac weekend Lake Missaukee

Lake Missaukee sunset

Flowers Lake City Michigan 20130506 o

Morning Fog

#4J Paul Johnson, Arcadia MI

Lake Missaukee Lake City Michigan 20130504 b

Lake Missaukee Lake City Michigan 20130509

Timber Wolf Lodge

Lake Missaukee Lake City Michigan 20130506

untitled (5 of 11)

Sculpture Garden at #earthworkfarm #earthworkhg

Lake Missaukee Lake City Michigan 20130504 c

Lake Missaukee Lake City Michigan 20130504 d

Private Lake Lake City Michigan 20130505

Flowers Lake City Michigan 20130506 f

Private Lake Lake City Michigan

Downtown Lake City Michigan 20130506 c

Private Lake Lake City Michigan 20130505

Private Lake Lake City Michigan 20130505