Despite the Snow

water music

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Gray Jay

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers

Bear's Den

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Another View of the Zen Garden

View of reservoir from end of gate 15 road

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Morning Quabbin Glory

Harvard Pond, Western Massachusetts

Millers River

Briggs Brook Falls

Harvard Pond #2

Hermit Thrush

watching the sunset, listening to killer mike, practicing my embroidery, and just living that #nofiltervacationlife #home #thankful

Crossing waters

Reflecting on Trees

Hermit's Minions

Fallen Face

if you lived here you'd be home by now #countrymouse #home

Palm Warbler

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The Drought is Over!

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

End of the road