water music

OCS at Farley

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Bear's Den

Black bellied Plovers

Spooky tree

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

French King's view

Bear's Den Again

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Gill, view from the French King Bridge

Eastern Hemlock Stand

Morning Quabbin Glory

East Branch Swift River Marsh

Harvard Pond, Western Massachusetts

Autumn Foliage Scenery viewed from French King Bridge

Millers River

Into the Den

Harvard Pond #2

Hermit Thrush

Briggs Brook Falls

Trailside Cascade

Connecticut River

Sunlit Trees on the Bank

French King Bridge, Mohawk Trail, Massachusetts

Hermit's Minions

French King Bridge, View

French King Bridge, View

Colour on the Connecticut

up connecticut