Gray Jay

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers with Dunlin

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

Black bellied Plovers

110708 349

Aqueduct Pond - Hardwick

Raise your hands

110708 354

Rattlesnake Hill, New Salem

Eastern Hemlock Stand

Morning Quabbin Glory

Yellow Shed

East Branch Swift River Marsh

Harvard Pond, Western Massachusetts

Harvard Pond #2

Hermit Thrush

Crossing waters

Palm Warbler

Road to Sunrise


ims 113

2009-07-04 11.41.35

Autumn is here!

Yay Friday!!


This weather does not suck.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

End of the road