When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. (Quote by Buddha)

Nagold City


Busbahnhof Nagold

[ the crowd ]

Kirche: Heiliger Cyriak , Dettensee, Tatinsee, Horb am Neckar , St. Cyriak Church. St. Cyr.

Fahrgeschäft: Boxautos - auto scooters - colorful Vehicles - you need no license - ver. #2

[ Walking on a Dream ]

[ no words ]

[ An apple a day keeps the doctor away ]

WHaT? BeNCH MoNDaY? oHHHH Noooo, uNCLe, I JuMP........

Feli ( ... miss you tiger ) posiert auf der Kinderrutsche

cat at - sunset-time • "Wölfle"

Lilie - she cat

View from Schlossberg

[ evening mood ]

Schmalspurbahn (1891 - 1967) . Holzabtransport auf Eisenbahn-Waggons - da muss ich noch mit!

auto scooters - Vehicles - you need no license

The Darkness Beyond

[ Have fun ]

Feli´s Abrakadabra in Dettensee - magic - Magie - Zauber

Gerste - Barley

Spring Landscape

Under the clouds

[ End of Time ]


Power of Nature


Not everyone can carry the weight of the world


Tauwetter im Schwarzwald

Tauwetter im Schwarzwald #2

Sky - Tree - Man

What is 12.3333333333?

Shine through

SX60 Experimente Tele-Makro mit Blitz - Ziergras

Sky over Schwarzwald