Church of Schwarzenberg
Walk into the light
Nagold City
When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. (Quote by Buddha)
Blick zur Schwäbischen Alb
Room with a view
Early morning [Explore 29 oct. #44]
Busbahnhof Nagold
After a very warm day.....
26/03/1974 - Bw Horb, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
WHaT? BeNCH MoNDaY? oHHHH Noooo, uNCLe, I JuMP........
[ no words ]
Die Bank
Balcony view
[ evening mood ]
Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus)
[ Have fun ]
[ photographers gone wild ]
Village view
19/10/1973 Dornstetten, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Schmalspurbahn (1891 - 1967) . Holzabtransport auf Eisenbahn-Waggons - da muss ich noch mit!
16.11.2016 - Ackerwelle -
Under the clouds
26.04.2018 - 19:37 - Bänkle in Haiterbach -
- Steinachtal -
Schwarzwaldwinter 2017
Gerste - Barley
Schwarzenberg im Murgtal
Nebel in den Bergen
Bergwald im Nebel
The Shed
Schwarzenberg sunset
Frozen morning
Mystic forest
Faded world
Awakening of a forest
Fields & Clouds
Schwarzenberg morning (explored)
Morning mist
Mittelbach (explored)
Farming the grain
Summer morning