When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. (Quote by Buddha)

Nagold City

WHaT? BeNCH MoNDaY? oHHHH Noooo, uNCLe, I JuMP........

[ the crowd ]

[ Fireshow ]

[ An apple a day keeps the doctor away ]

Schloss Berneck, Altensteig, Schwarzwald

[ Have fun ]

[ Shades of Ray ]

[ just me ]

[ Missing Summer ]

Reichental, Black Forest

Busbahnhof Nagold

[ Walking on a Dream ]

[ no words ]

[ evening mood ]

Schmalspurbahn (1891 - 1967) . Holzabtransport auf Eisenbahn-Waggons - da muss ich noch mit!

[ Have fun ]

[ photographers gone wild ]

[ Relax your mind .. ]

Hotel, Alte Post in Nagold

Gerste - Barley

Spring Landscape

Winter Sunset

Winterspaziergang bei Calw

Under the clouds

the long way up

Is that the death star?

Tauwetter im Schwarzwald

Sky - Tree - Man

Winter Castle

[ Lightning ]

Crocus I


Erntezeit / Harvest Season


Wildsee bei Kaltenbronn (Hochmoor), Black-Forest, Germany

Power of Nature

Foggy Morning Talk...