Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, (New York Central Railroad), Indiana, Winchester (13,436)

Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway, (New York Central Railroad), Indiana, Winchester (13,436-b)

Greensfork River Bridge

FCHS Composites

Levi Coffin House

Cyclist on the Cardinal Greenway

Fall on the Wayne County Cardinal Greenway

Wayne County Cardinal Greenway

The open skies

Cardinal Greenway along U.S. 35

High Point in Indiana

Hoosier Hill

White River, Not Far From Its Beginning

Tower on the Farm

Cool Shade on the Greenway

Work Horses

Gentle Curve along the Cardinal Greenway

U.S. 35 Bridge

Pumpkin Patch

Highest Point in Indiana

Spring Lambing Time

Pumpkin Patch near Fountain City, Indiana

Randolph County Windmills

Fall Harvest Completed