Belle Grove blacksmith shop and barn

Monte Vista

Monte Vista

View from Belle Grove


We weren't expecting the waist-deep snow-drifts... neither were my shoes, but this view made it worth the pain.???? (debatably)

Late Fall at Passage Creek

Passage Creek Up Stream

Spring Mtn from Buzzard Rock

The Heater House

Good morning from Strasburg, Virginia! We drove 8 hours yesterday from Massachusetts, and have about 6 hours ahead of us before a arriving in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. If you thought this was a pretty view just wait... The Great Smoky Mountains will be breat

Mystic Pines Log Home NT2_001_2726

Mystic Pines Perspective

Enter Warren County, leave Shenandoah County

Hotel Strasburg - Then and Now

View from Boonesboro Washington Monument

View from Black Rock

Mountain View

Passage Creek Cross Stream

Signal Knob - photo by Sarah Smith


shadows from up above

Sunrise at White Rock Cliff

Heater House and Heater Fields

fenced in

Shrouded By The Brush

Mossy tree

Because there is no need for any more people here, anyhow #nofilter

Taking a ride before the game today

Hupp's Hill Civil War Park Trail

Passage Creek at Seven Bends State Park

Belle Grove Road

Barn 18

follow the path

Pond at Belle Grove

Passage Creek 1

The First Bridge

Miniature waterfalls at Seven Bends

the sky above Belle Grove

Passage Creek at Seven Bends State Park

Ants eating aphids at Seven Bends