Before the Rain


The American River Gorge – A Semi-Grand Canyon

Hand Stacked Rock Wall – Can You Find the Funny Feature?

Day 891: MilkyWay_7702


Sierra Dome Spider (Neriene litigiosa), male; Magra, Placer County, California; June 21, 2014

Spotted Pine Sawyer (Monochamus clamator)?; Macra, Placer County, California; June 28, 2014

Iowa Hill Bridge at North Fork American River

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Black-headed Grosbeak

The view from Foresthill

From Foresthill on my ride


Midday Moon 1786

Leaf-footed bug (Merocoris sp.); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Spotted Pine Sawyer (Monochamus clamator)?; Macra, Placer County, California; June 28, 2014

Sierra Dome Spider (Neriene litigiosa), male; Magra, Placer County, California; June 21, 2014

Ground spider (Herpyllus sp.); Magra, Placer County, California; June 21, 2014

Back out

Sixspotted Orbweaver (Araniella displicata); Magra, Placer County, California; June 23, 2014

Yankee Jim's Waterfall

Fall Kayaking for Life

Mineral Bar Bridges

Sierra Lake Paddling

American River Canyon at Oxbow Reservoir

Yankee Jim's Waterfall

North Fork from Stevens Trail

Falling Away

In Bear Country

North Fork Morning

American River Canyon

American Fire 08-16-13

#rybridge wedding. Nice location.

Southwest Airlines' flight from Las Vegas today flew over the American Fire. Image: Bill Roush

Devils Falls water drops...

River Canyon

Sunken ice pond

Rafting Tunnel Chute


Bend It