Western Snowy Plover

Point Lobos Fiery Light - Carmel, CA

Hey! That's mine!

Mission Ranch Resort, Carmel CA

View of Bird Rock - Point Lobos - Carmel, CA

Pebble Beach at Night

Gravity At Work Again, Asilomar Beach - Pebble Beach, CA

Trentepohlia on Cypress Trees at Point Lobos State Reserve - Carmel, CA

Bird Rock - Point Lobos, California

Enticing views

18th Hole at Spanish Bay with Bagpiper - Pebble Beach, CA

Carmel California Ocean View

She learned to love him before he thought it was even possible, so he didn't have a chance to hide & mess it up & while it was a little scary at times, mainly he could not even imagine the world without her there

Fisherman's Wharf and Marina - Monterey, CA

18th Hole at Spanish Bay with Bagpiper - Pebble Beach, CA

Rainbow at Lovers Point - Pacific Grove California

Dramatic Ribera Beach Sunset - Carmel, CA

Pink and Blue Sunset on Monterey Bay - Monterey, CA

People Will Say We're in Love

View of Bird Rock - Point Lobos - Carmel, CA

Fog at Ribera Beach - Carmel, CA

Carmel Torrent - Carmel, CA

Point Lobos Tide Pool Sunset Panorama - Carmel, CA

Rock, Sea and Clouds at Point Lobos State Reserve - Carmel, CA

Happy New Year

PoLobo 03

Sea Lion Point at Point Lobos State Reserve - Carmel, CA

Walker House on Carmel Beach - Carmel, CA

Pacific Grove Sunset

The Life....

Fort Ord National Monument - Monterey, CA

Rocky Coastline Monterey Peninsula, California

Rough Sea at Point Piños - Pacific Grove, CA

Asilomar Sunset at Point Piños - Pacific Grove, CA

Ribera Beach Sunset - Carmel, CA

Illuminated Tree Asilomar Beach - Pebble Beach, CA

Surf Splash

Carmel Valley